Saturday, 31 March 2007

Winjus Khan- The Colonizer

So Dad and Mom watch a lot of movies, which is great for me because that means extra couch time and a lot of attention. Recently they have been watching a great deal of Indian movies, and historical period pieces- and they noticed something interesting. There is a trend in modern movies to portray the British as bad guys or colonists who are snooty but evil! I mean, really how could that be? Not to quote John Stewart (which I also watch) but "the reason the British controlled two thirds of the world is because everyone was too busy sniggering at our fairy accents to fight back!" Seriously, we do tea, nuff said.

Needless to say, it brings up an interesting family dynamic- I am the colonizer! Dad and Mom are both from previous colonial sections of the empire- from two very far away, vastly different places- and I bring them together! I mean without me, they wouldn't be a family for sure! I even proudly wear the Union Jack to show how my family couldn't exist without my colonial help.

Now, if only they could learn to play cricket- obviously the dog always gets the ball!



Anonymous said...

Mom and dad played cricket at Centennial Park last year over Easter.

Jacquelyn said...

Winston's latest conquered territory: the master bedroom.

Bethany Bengfort said...

Updates, Winston! You're slackin!