Friday, 23 March 2007

Goody4Paws Puppy Graduate

Well I suppose I am the first person in the Bengfort family to graduate from an Oxford education. On Wednesday, I completed my puppy school! I am going to miss going to class and seeing all my friends- Mr. Darcy (who mysteriously disappeared for the last 3 weeks of class...), Molly the Dalmatian who always beat me up, Quincy who rode in a Smart Car (and I was her favorite!), Cocoa, a big chocolate lab who was scared at first, but soon came to the head of the class, Hettie, the dog that didn't want to walk, and Tilly- the stinking border collie who upstaged me at the end of the class taking the teacher's love away from me to her (Bitch! Literally...).

But has puppy classes paid off? Some might say it has- actually all the dogs were extra rowdy the last day, preferring to play rather than listen! But I think we all learned some important things. My parents probably learned the most about dogs. I still go through doors first, but at least I can sit, lie down, stay (sort of) and pay attention. I can kind of come (only if I want to), and kind of walk on a loose lead (especially with my harness on). But I think if mom keeps it up, we'll work some sort of arrangement out. I am working hard at being and becoming a good dog!

At least one person doesn't think puppy class has paid off- yesterday on a walk, dad got yelled at by an English lady who said he needed to train his dog better and more. (I may have jumped on her, and I wanted to play rather than come when dad was calling). Dad got chewed out- he didn't say anything, but luckily the lady's friend defended me saying I was just a puppy- and I am! I mean, I am 6 months on April 6, but that is besides the point.

One thing I am glad of- I don't have to ride in a car anymore on Wednesday nights! I hate riding in cars...



Anonymous said...


Congratulations on graduating from puppy school! I am sure you are a very proper English dog now. Just remember when people complain about you jumping on them - you are getting older & soon won't be doing that at all & then where will the fun be? If they really complain some one should remind them that you could be biting them instead of just jumping to say hello. Some people just don't understand us dogs. Enjoy the meadow - it looks like a great place to run & play. Kind of like the pastures back in North Dakota with out all the cow & horse manure to step around - I hate to have dirty feet. Because then my mom makes me take a shower. Can't wait until you come back to the states so we can play.


Winston said...

Thanks Shadow, I am happy to be out of school. I still train, you know how it is I guess. Trust me about the meadow- there is plenty of horse and cow poo abounding (and recently even swan poo!)