Thursday, 8 November 2007

Freaky October Festivities (The Sequel)

Well, I wrote in my last blog about the halloween party, and how everyone dressed up and dancing was so distressing, in my next blog, I'll give out some honorable mentions for creepiness when smelled. But we did much more this October than just have that party.

Mom is determined to dress me up in this dogzilla outfit every time she sees me. And to tell you the truth, I kind of like it! I'll stare at it whining until mom puts it on. But as soon as its on, I am chasing my newer more chew-friendly tail and trying to get the thing off. Mom successfully distracted me into wearing it without incident for 20 minutes once, and because of that she thinks she is going to buy me a raincoat and a hoodie. I started to object, then I realized: I live in England, those things can only be good. Plus I see other dogs with those clothing items all the time! With a raincoat at least, I can be less afraid of taking walks to the meadow with dad!

The above is my Charlie Brown shot. I would have included it in the last blog, but I forgot. Needless to say, they thought at the party since I didn't have a costume, I could be a mummy. You can see how long that lasted!

Well at least everything at Halloween wasn't that scary. Check out that pumpkin behind me... really Paul? An earnest pumpkin? I wouldn't have been scared of that thing if could levitate and spew fire! I mean, I am scarier than that.

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