The first walk, Dad took me out for an early morning walk before work. We walked to the meadow and then started walking along the river, meadow-side. That is the side of the meadow where during the winter it looks like a lake. But since it hasn't gotten to that point yet, it was actually a pleasant walk. It was early, and no one was out (and the weather wasn't great), so dad let me off my lead! I ran around and played with birds and had a great time. Then the best thing of all happened; I found a dead bird!
A dead bird's head to be precise, the rest of the bird was about 15 feet away, and I found that too. So of course, I took the oppertunity to roll in the bird as much as I could. Dad didn't have the lead, so he had to chase me down, and that was fun too! So I rolled in dead bird and a little bit of poop, it was awesome. But as soon as I got home... into the tub! I couldn't believe it. And not only that, but dad washed me (he does a better job anyway) and then left me for work to add insult to injury.
A couple nights later, dad thought we should try again, and we went back to the meadow, back along the river, but I didn't get let off my lead. So we were walking along, and it got muddier and muddier (it had been raining all week); suddenly, Dad yells and I look back and he is up to his butt in mud! He had just fallen into some wierd bog hole. His shoes, his sweatpants, everything was soaked and muddy! So I said- "awesome!" and of course jumped into the mud with him... emergency bath 2 that night! Mom isn't going to let dad take me on walks anymore!
Although yesterday we went for a saturday afternoon walk in great weather and dad through my ball for me, but then I bit him in the hand by accident and made him bleed, so even though there was no mud or fowl, and no emergency bath; it wasn't a fully sucessful walk! Bad luck!
Photo: Emergency bath wrestle after mudballing; I am trying to kick dad in the head... I almost went chuck norris on him.
What sort of shampoo/soap do you use in your baths? I use this oatmeal scented stuff that makes the female dogs go nuts.
I use puppy stuff from the vet. It is gentle on my princely skin! But you should tell me more about this oatmeal stuff; I love know... ;) ;)
Poor Winston...if it's not mud, it's grease spot. He's such an animal.
More blogs, winston!
The cat must have gotten everybody's tongue. No one is blogging!
Dear Anonymous,
I was thinking the same thing!
Chris put a bit up but the rest are very quiet.
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