People, you must particpate in the blogosphere!!!! I have noticed a significant drop-off in comments on the blogs... and frankly it saddens me. I mean, do you know how hard it is to type with paws? Yet I try to do a blog at least three times a week, you could throw in some brief comments, let me know how you are, respond to the post, tell me how cute I am, etc! I mean... look at me, I am techno-dog for nothing!
So did everyone manage to watch the video? If you are that lazy, please feel free to comment with a yes or no to that question! If you can't comment on the blog, for some reason; feel free to email me:
Good news, too... Luke and Adam are coming to stay for 10 days!!!!!
You are absolutely right, Winston. This reader, for one, selfishly enjoys your blog every day but does not comment. I guess I treat your blog like my other daily newspapers, just absorbing. I'll try to do better! Yes, I saw the video. Yes, you are very cute!
Dad B.
Sorry Winston, we (my mom & I) love your posts & your mom's - we check them first thing each morning. Of course I understood the video perfectly - why would you do something on video & not get some sort of payment for it (treats!!!!). I mean you are a star & very famous. A video of you doing cute things when you were just a pup could mean big bucks later in life. Anyway, PLEASE keep blogging we do love you & read you daily.
PS - I will try to get on the computer more after mom leaves for work & respond. she doesn't like my hair all over her key board.....
I read your blog everyday!
I watched your video and tried to get my Mom to video me but she was busy with my brother Chris. So what if he hadn't been home for 1 1/2 years! Why does he get so much attention...though he did play with me.
Anyway, I am still waiting for you and your parents to come for a visit to the desert!
We can't help it that we're so enraptured by your cuteness that we're unable to do anything but gaze adoringly. So there.
I love your mom and dad so I have to love you, as your mom's T-shirt often points out.
Yes, I saw the video and you are very cute.
So who is Luke and Adam?
Winston is going through a little primadonna phase! He is whining at everything, and not eating his dog food (he only wants ceasers, etc.) This morning he wouldn't go outside because the ground was wet! I think that may explain this blog a little better!
Hower, I am not as worried as I should be- I have been told this is a common Staffy phase, and that they settle down a lot after this. He is turning 1 on October 6th, so we have a few more months of our little primadonna, and hopefully then we'll have a dog!
Needless to say, his human food intake has been severely curbed! I treat cute dogs, not whiny ones!
It also probably doesn't help that he sleeps under the covers in our bed, and Jaci has been cuddling him because it is so cold! (I am always conorted into these wierd positions with pillows to ease the pain in my back...)
We didn't raise a puppy, but a rajah!
Luke and Adam are Rhodie-mates of ours. Luke is a writer of hilarious emails and Adam is one half of "Toxic Chatter" (toxicchatter.blogspot.com). It's a thumbnail sketch for those of you who have been wondering, anyway.
Thank you everyone for commenting and for the emails! You guys are the best, I guess the blogosphere isn't empty! I will continue my faithful writing...
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