Thursday, 27 September 2007
Blog Participation
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
And now for something different
Blogger is releasing its new video service for its blogs, so lets give it a tryout. This is Mom's video taken a long time ago, I was doing something interesting before then, but then I stopped. Needless to say, while Mom and Dad's new camera would take videos, after dad dropped it off a parking meter on the C&O Canal path, it won't anymore.
This video was taken with Mom's old camera, which is a clunker and doesn't even have sound! What can you do? So I am going to try to convince mom to convince dad to get a digital video recorder, something small, and with a hard disk so there can be more dog video!
And now for the sound: Woof!
Monday, 24 September 2007
How Old is too Old?

60 is the new 40? Doubtful, 8 is the new 6! But not really with Dogs, I mean, we still live to the same old ripe age of 15, usually. I guess that is pretty long, though, comparatively speaking.
How old is too old? None of this divide by 2 add seven, the vet already took care of that so I don't have to worry about it, and it sucks! And... I am not any less aggresive, so there!
Old humans are as much fun as young humans, and I can catch them easier...
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Why Being a Dog ROCKS!
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Home Alone with Dad
Yesterday morning we were all in bed at 7; when in my doorbell like fashion, I sprang out of bed and ran downstairs barking. Mom went to see who it was- surprise! It was painters that our landlord sent to dress our windows. Well, mom and dad didnt let me meet the painters, and then the backyard was off limits for me most of the day until the paint dried. Mom took off at 11 and it was just me, dad, and painters- so I didn't really notice what was going on. I acted out for mom not being around and not being allowed outside.
I did my crazy poo dance, and tore up the carpets, etc. Dad finally got so tired of me that he took me out for a run to calm me down, which worked. We then spent the rest of the night watching Ghost Rider. When it was late, and about time to go to bed, I realized mom still wasn't back. Dad was reading Sharpe in Bed, and I was with him, but I kept whining to go out, and barking at every little noise I heard, hoping Dad would get out of bed and open the door for mom. It was wierd, she wasn't there.
Anyway, now it is Sunday morning and Dad says mom will be back today, so I am much calmer, and am just sleeping in the sun...
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Dog Wrestling
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
The Best Worst Week Ever... Retrospective Part 3 of 3: The Clink
Take a look at all these pictures, what do they have in common? That's right, no me. Why? Becuase I was unceremoniously dumped into the clink for the rest of the week, adn therefore making the week the best worst week ever.
Everyone went to the Trout, but did I get to go along? No. Dad did take me to the Trout to drop the car off then we walked home together. I even behaved great- Dad let me off the lead and I came when I was called, and sat next to him while runners went past! We walked a whole mile, and I was tired out. But then they put me in the kennel, and went to the Trout again without me! I like the car, but I didn't get a second ride in it.
At least they came home that night...
Next day I went to the dreaded Lakeside Kennel! I fought as hard as I could to escape back to the car, I thought I was just in for another fun car ride, but no- I got left. Because I was mad, I ate all my dog food, which impressed my parents (talk about backfire). The lake is nice, but I want people attention!
They came back the next day, and I gave them what-for. But then on Saturday, the left again! After a nice relaxing morning and a walk, I got stuck in the kennel at noon for what I assumed would be a couple hours- NOT! They weren't back until like 7 at night! Of course I was fine, I had food and water and a dog door, but still.
The next day, same thing. Early in the morning, bags were packed, and I was stuck in my kennel. When mom and dad got back- no Nana and Nanee! What is that about? I guess Dad and Nana had to duke it out for Alpha Male, and that is why they didn't come back- someday I'll have to do the same thing I suposse...
Well, it was the best worst week ever, and I really enjoyed meeting my grandparents- hope I see them again soon!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
The Best Worst Week Ever... Retrospective Part 2 of 3: PUNTING!
I guess the second part of the story (realy the first) is that we weren't sure whether or not I could even go punting. Who knows how Wolfson would feel about a dog in its punts. So Dad snuck me around the back to get in the punts while everyone else got all the gear from the lodge. They met us at the harbor, and we got going before anyone could say anything! I have to tell you, though, a dog in a punt- not a terrible thing; mostly I sat looking at birds and enjoying the water, it was like a big drink!
After we struggled for a while, we stopped to have a picnic lunch on the side of the river- I even got a little bit of vin rose! It was a lot of fun, I got to have some pita bread, and some apples and carrots, and went chasing around my own little private meadow. It was actually pretty relaxing. I just wish that I had known that dry land is an oppertunity when you are a nautical dog... Later on the trip, I had to pee so badly because I didn't take the chance when I had it!
I started going crazy, whining and running back and forth on the punt looking for a place to go (but it was all like indoors where I can't pee!), I tried to get in the water, but no one would let me do that either! I think my family thought I was getting nervous on the boat and wanted to get back on land... no one thought to hold me over the boat so I could pee! Once we landed, I took the longest pee of my life, it was amazing, I just kept going like a little racehorse. After I was done, I was ready to get back in the punt, but to my dismay, punting was over! I guess such a little dog just can't hold it for 3 hours or so.
Mom and I did have a run in with a Swan. We were just happily punting along (Dad and Nana finally got the hang of it!) When all of a sudden, this Swan came out of nowhere! At first, it looked nice enough, and was probably going to the punt for a handout like it had recieved from other punters. Then the dang thing noticed me... I stood up happily to meet a new friend when it hissed at me! It seriously, hissed, and was pretty scary. But instead of just swimming away (it definately could have swam faster) it followed us for a mile, just hissing at us! It only left when it saw other punters to hit up for food! What's the deal?
Picture 1: Me watching Dad skillfully navigate the Cherwell River
Picture 2: Look out Mom! Trees ahead!
Picture 3: Picnic on the grass
Picture 4: Mom and I stare down the evil Swan
Picture 5: Nana and I have a relaxing cruise on the water
Monday, 10 September 2007
The Best Worst Week Ever... Retrospective Part 1 of 3
Well, long walks, Sunday Roasts, and punting aside, meeting Nana and Nanee definately made up for being in the clink for so long, so that is alright. I am sad they are gone, and now I am acting out to my parents to try to bring them back, it isn't working though, and I haven't even gotten a long walk yet (just a short one yesterday!!). Whats a dog to do? Stay tuned for posts about punting and the rest of the week in the next two posts....
Monday, 3 September 2007
Nanee and Nana!
Now I am tuckered out, but that is ok, because I can go back and forth and sleep with Mom and Dad or Nanee and Nana all I want! I am even sleeping in this morning so back to it...