Plus I just got some worm and flea medicine that makes me a little crazy.
Plus my eye is acting a little funny.
My walk today was unsatisfying- too short.
What does this mean? DOGGY DESTRUCTOR RAMPAGE!!!!
The following is the aftermath of the raid I performed on the carpets- the red arrows indicate destruction! Pay close attention, for this destruction was only managed by me running around the house like a crazy person then sliding on the carpet as I grabbed the front with my teeth and ripping it a little bit. Then I would tuck my tail between my legs and bound as fast as I could to the next carpet doing the same thing, back and forth, back and forth, never stopping!!!

Of course, I saved the worst for last. I am fond of chewing wood up, as you can see in the next picture, but I managed to get the leg off the table! Muwhahahahaha! I was scolded severely, but I don't see what the big deal is, the table was teetery, and dad fixed it right up with some glue. However because Dad only just managed to catch the table before it spilled everything on me, I had the fear of God put into me so I settled down a bit.
Plus, now more interesting things were happening, and I could ignore all the itchy restlessness!

Plus my eye is acting a little funny.
My walk today was unsatisfying- too short.
What does this mean? DOGGY DESTRUCTOR RAMPAGE!!!!
The following is the aftermath of the raid I performed on the carpets- the red arrows indicate destruction! Pay close attention, for this destruction was only managed by me running around the house like a crazy person then sliding on the carpet as I grabbed the front with my teeth and ripping it a little bit. Then I would tuck my tail between my legs and bound as fast as I could to the next carpet doing the same thing, back and forth, back and forth, never stopping!!!

Plus, now more interesting things were happening, and I could ignore all the itchy restlessness!

It makes me a little sad that the planter which I created with my own bare hands in 8th grade shop class is dying a slow death at the teeth of Winston. The fact that I managed to slam the thing together in the first place was shocking enough. The fact that it subsequently survived nearly a decade of varied use and a trip overseas qualified as a minor miracle. And all it takes is an 11-kilo puppy with sharp, achy teeth to turn it from planter to pile of toothpicks.
Like put the valuables away:-)
Winston ended up getting really sick last night from his worm medicine--again. So the whole family slept together on the futon. He seems to be ok today, just sleepy.
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