Springtime is here, and I have finally perfected my dog scent. And, actually, mom is not disgusted by it. And in a complete change of doggy policy, because of it, I am let off the lead far more often! It is win win for everyone!
So basically this is how it goes, to get a truly good scent you need to roll in stuff. Mom was never too pleased to let me roll in stuff because she thought I was rolling in the nasty. I used to, dead birds, goose poop, lady dog pee. But it wasn't quite right. But this weekend, after some amazing summer weather (21 degrees!!!) I finally got it right- wild parsley, clovers, bluebells, and dandelions! I started rolling in the parsley and clovers, and mom went over to inspect. Not seeing anything out of order, she let me off the lead! So like a crazy springtime dog, I was rolling everywhere! It was awsome!
I even have started to avoid the icky stuff and listen when they tell me to come back. So this spring has been awesome because I can run around the meadow free! Nice one for dog. (Its my favorite thing).