Man- I had two great walks this past week, both of which ended up with emergency baths; which I guess is how you can tell a good walk from a bad walk- but still- emergency baths then make the walk not so much fun at all!
The first walk, Dad took me out for an early morning walk before work. We walked to the meadow and then started walking along the river, meadow-side. That is the side of the meadow where during the winter it looks like a lake. But since it hasn't gotten to that point yet, it was actually a pleasant walk. It was early, and no one was out (and the weather wasn't great), so dad let me off my lead! I ran around and played with birds and had a great time. Then the best thing of all happened; I found a dead bird!
A dead bird's head to be precise, the rest of the bird was about 15 feet away, and I found that too. So of course, I took the oppertunity to roll in the bird as much as I could. Dad didn't have the lead, so he had to chase me down, and that was fun too! So I rolled in dead bird and a little bit of poop, it was awesome. But as soon as I got home... into the tub! I couldn't believe it. And not only that, but dad washed me (he does a better job anyway) and then left me for work to add insult to injury.
A couple nights later, dad thought we should try again, and we went back to the meadow, back along the river, but I didn't get let off my lead. So we were walking along, and it got muddier and muddier (it had been raining all week); suddenly, Dad yells and I look back and he is up to his butt in mud! He had just fallen into some wierd bog hole. His shoes, his sweatpants, everything was soaked and muddy! So I said- "awesome!" and of course jumped into the mud with him... emergency bath 2 that night! Mom isn't going to let dad take me on walks anymore!
Although yesterday we went for a saturday afternoon walk in great weather and dad through my ball for me, but then I bit him in the hand by accident and made him bleed, so even though there was no mud or fowl, and no emergency bath; it wasn't a fully sucessful walk! Bad luck!
Photo: Emergency bath wrestle after mudballing; I am trying to kick dad in the head... I almost went chuck norris on him.