Now that I've had some time to put some distance between myself and

the horrors of my recent surgery, I'm ready to share some of my most intimate photos with you, my loyal fanbase. I hope this will only serve better to bond us together, and to show that I'm not afraid to bare my heart to my dearest readers.
Dad left early the morning of my surgery--which leads me to suspect that it was all Mom's doing. She took me to the vet at 9 AM. Usually I love going there--just yesterday I made Mom stop and go in on our walk so I could snag an extra treat--but this time, Mom left me! I was kept in a

little room and not given any food all day, although Mom left my red ball from Grandma with me. The next thing I knew, I'd been shaved on one of my legs, hooked up to some device, and I just passed out! It was crazy!
When I woke up, I heard the nurse calling my Mom and telling her that I was okay. I most certainly was not! But I was still feeling pretty woozy, and I had to hang out at the vet for the rest of the day. When Mom finally came to pick me up at five, I was happy to see her but I barely had the strength to wag hello. We walked home really slowly and Mom put me on the armchair.

The worst part, and by far the most embarrassing, was the cone. Every time I tried to inspect what the vet had done to me, Mom coned me! Lame!
Anyway, I was feeling much better by 4 AM and woke Mom up to tell her so. After that, it wasn't really so bad--I milked the situation

like any rock star or favoured child would and got to lounge most of the weekend with lots of treats, ice cubes, and even a squeaky duck toy.
Talk about a dog's life! Woof!
Photo 1: Coned and sedated. Yuck.
Photo 2: You can see the spot where I was shaved and hooked up to the contraption at the vet's.
Photo 3: I lulled the duck into a false sense of security. He didn't last the night.
Photo 4: Once I was back to normal, I used the opportunity to turn my cone into a fashion statement. Me-yow!