Last night mom, dad, and I watched a movie called Lady in the Water- sort of a wierd fairytale movie by some guy called Shamylan. Anyway, in the movie were these crazy grass wolves called "Scrunts" (as pictured above), which, quite frankly, really annoyed me. I mean, what kind of dog is going to break the rules of nature just to attack some little girl? Seems stupid to me, I mean, unless the attack was to turn the girl from weak human skin job to a glorious dog fur creature, like a caniwulf, but that wasn't the case, the scrunt was just mean. I pricked up my ears and got into attack position every time I heard the scrunt thing growl or bark... Don't tell anyone, but it sort of freaked me out, every dog I know is very nice and didn't act like that meany-head.
Needless to say, this brought me into comparison with the caniwulf- now I believe the caniwulf to be noble creatures, of the woods who like their freedom, etc. Of course, there are horror movies with these things, and they are shot by silver bullets and are monsters, etc. But that isn't how it really is. Oh, and as far as I know, they don't eat kids, why would they eat kids? I think it is all just a horrible smear campaign by the left wing socialists of this country who hate all things different...
The scrunt, on the other hand, has a back made of grass, red eyes, and is able to lie flat on the ground so humans don't see him, he just looks like a lump of grass. He is a master of stealth, not moving unless he is absolutely sure that he can't be seen. Pretty cool, yes, but not when they are blood thirsty killer monster wolves!
But things brings me to my next point, the scrunt in the movie was a rogue scrunt. Most scrunts obey the laws of nature, which means not killing and maiming, etc. So now I think that both caniwulfs, werewolves, and scrunts all have a bad image in TV and books because of the rouge, lawless ones that are portrayed in them. Seriously, have you ever seen a werewolf, caniwulf, or a scrunt in real life?
No? Of course you haven't, they are peaceful creatures of the woods, obeying the laws of nature, I mean a few bad apples here and there have given us a bad image, but that is it! I mean, who are you to say that a few bad humans haven't left a bad image on us? But we are still your best friend after all...